Thursday, September 12, 2013

What Will the Cool Weather Do to the Garden

While the days are still pleasant evenings are getting chilly on the roof. Cooler weather means the garden can go longer between waterings, but it also means vegetable production noticeably slows down as well.

A few fruits left on the Planet F1 pepper plants. They seem to like their new, sunnier location. As long as the nights don't get too cold I'll leave them here and see if the remaining fruits will get larger or turn red.

Jasper F1 cherry tomato. I think this plant will last till frost.

Japanese Black Trifele tomato.

Disease is slowly overtaking the Beaver Lodge tomato plant.

Fortunately, I think most of the fruit will ripen before the plant's complete demise. What's surprising is that the current crop is just as tasty as the first wave of fruit. I thought the change in weather and the plant's general decline would affect flavor quality, but no, the flavor is still great.

Giant Aconcagua pepper plant. Previous experience with growing this variety tells me it's time to retire the plant. These peppers need heat to thrive, and lately it just hasn't been warm enough. The remaining fruits do not look much larger than they did last week and forget about them turning red. The plant will be removed and the container dried out in preparation for storage.

Butterbean soybeans still looking pretty good.

Cosmonaut Volkov tomato plant close to retirement.

Just 2 more fruits left on the vine.

September 5-11:

Soybean (Butterbean): 0.5 ounces

Sweet Pepper (Planet F1): 1.125 ounces

Tomato (Beaver Lodge): 7.75 ounces

Tomato (Cosmonaut Volkov): 7.625 ounces

Total Harvest: 1 pound, 1.0 ounces

Running Weight Total 2013: 48 pounds, 7.375 ounces

Visit to read more about rooftop vegetable gardening.

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