Thursday, June 13, 2013

Looking Good

The garden is doing pretty well so far. No signs of disease, nutrient deficiencies or signs of insect pests. Which is surprising since this is the time of the year I usually expect some aphids to show up, not that I'm complaining! The melon and pepper plants are far behind last year's progress around this same time, but they're steadily growing larger so I'm not concerned.

Planet F1 peppers are bouncing back from their recent wind beating.

Minnesota Midget melons.

Brandy Boy F1 tomato.

Jasper F1 cherry tomato.

Once the tomato plants grow taller I trim off the bottom leaves and stems to maintain good airflow all around the plant. I want to avoid creating pockets of still air that can act as harbors for disease or insect pests.

Serenade F1 melons.

Japanese Trifele Black tomato.

As the plants grow taller I add more ties to reduce their movement in the wind.

Ozark Beauty strawberries.

Beaver Lodge tomato. Removing the shade cloth was the right decision. Leaves are tougher and overall the plant looks much fuller.

Giant Aconcagua peppers

Yukon Gold potatoes

On Deck F1 corn with some soybeans sharing the container.

Butterbean soybeans.

Cosmonaut Volkov tomato.

June 6-12:

Strawberry (Ozark Beauty): 1.75 ounces

Running Weight Total 2013: 3.875 ounces

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  1. Thanks for posting. I love the idea about cutting off the lower tomato leaves. Ive never heard of that!

  2. Things are going really well over here. Ive been hunting the area for free 5-gallon buckets. Hopefully, I will secure the last of those this week and then will be able to transfer the second to last cohort of plants. Slowly, but surely, Im getting there!


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